I need to get a house big enough for four, somewhere nearer to town, or at least accessible (because logically speaking, accessibility = having amenities nearby) and of course, cheap.
I asked around for lobangs, and got some interesting reactions:
Moss Girl: I'm looking around for a house.. somewh-.....
Friend A: Are you getting married?!Ohmigodwho'sthegroomDoIknowhimwhen'sthewedding.....
Friend B: You're getting married?? We'vebeenfriendsforthepast12yearsandyoudidn'ttellme???
Friend C: ..... (Brief Silence).. You got MARRIED?!
Friend D: You're MARRIED?!
Friend E: Oh, I can recommend you this agent, she's pretty good--- wait, are you getting MaRRiED?
Now, now, what has buying a house got to do with me getting MaRRiED?
A friend explains, 'Well, you're still below 35, and singles below 35 don't just buy a house because you won't be getting the $11K housing grant, so the only logical and possible reason would be that you're getting Married..or unless you've struck 4D.. which is quite impossible because you don't buy 4D (lottery of some sort involving 4 numbers I think)..'
How true. Land's scarce here- we have like 200 people living on top of each other and costs 2 arms and 2 legs to buy a house, or rather, lease a flat from the government for 99 years (and that's provided it's a brand new house). So, to minimise land wastage (or so I suspect) and encourage folks to get married and have kids (so that married folks' welfare costs could be borne by their kids in the future- but that's another story), singles here don't get to enjoy housing subsidies like married couples or families do unless they're past their marketable shelf life (for marriage I mean ) and is well on the way to bachelor-hood or spinster-hood...
Haha.. I think I went out of point... Anyway point being, i guess it's just too costly to buy a house when you're a single with marketable shelf life.. and that's why folks don't buy houses unless theý're getting hitched.
Try asking folks here the innocent question I've asked.. and you'll get those answers I've gotten.
Anyway, for the record, No, I'm not getting married. I'm just looking for a roof over the head for the family since Tiger was totally determined to sell the house and boot us out by end of this year. Yeah, so it's gonna be expensive to buy a house, but sure beats having to constantly worry about the threats Tiger makes.
Oh well, Cést la vie!
And To Tiger: May the feud and whatsoever grundges you hold against us ends here.
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